Princesses Get Hungry Too!

During the endless party packed weekends that Katie and I have, we always find ourselves with some downtime in between parties. Typically we use the small chunks of free time to do what any normal person would do on the weekends, such as grocery shop, study, sleep(in our car, lol), and especially EAT! Katie and I love food, but lets be honest who doesn’t? Some of the adventures we have been on include a trip to Costco (being college students, we love buying in bulk!!), Panera, Olive Garden, and of course our favorite quick stop, Starbucks! We usually try and go to places with as few children as possible and try not to attract attention, but being Frozen characters, that’s nearly impossible. We usually receive smiles and comments, but almost always are asked for photos. One of our favorite comments come from older generations that most likely haven’t seen the Frozen and usually they make comments like, “Are you going to a wedding?” or “What beautiful gowns!!”. Keep it up grandparents, you guys keep us laughing. The halloween season has been very forgiving for us, no one questions what we are doing, they just think we have awesome costumes!!

Speaking of Halloween, I hope you noticed the photo that was posted to the EPE Facebook page earlier this week, hopefully not too many Elsa’s will be running through the streets this year! I can’t imagine how easy it will be mixing up which trick or treater is yours, be sure not to take someone else’s Elsa or Anna home! Be sure to try and make it to the Halloween Carnival at Christ The King Church in Burlington!! Katie and I are giving up the beginning of our Hallows Eve to celebrate with your little ones so we would love your vote!! We hope to see old and new faces there!

XOXO, Queen Elsa

Katie pushing our cart through Costco!
Katie pushing our cart through Costco!
Costco selfie!
Costco selfie!
Munching on my favorite breadsticks

Fall Ball Post #3

photo (7) photo (8)

Hello everyone,

Here are some photos of Averee and I’s royal slumber chamber the night before the fall ball! We thought it was only fitting we slept on a frozen pillow set the night before the fall ball! Thanks again to our beautiful friend and the lady in charge of putting Arendale together, Amy, for hosting us! Isn’t her daughter’s room just the cutest?! Like Ave said in her post, we got very few hours of sleep because of our excitement for the fall ball! We had such a wonderful time with all of our guests and we love love loved all of the warm hugs we received! A big thank you to everyone who made the fall ball possible, especially the volunteers in Arendale! (Including my mother, who was helping with the lines and the trading post!) It was so great to see familiar faces at the ball, as well as meeting all of the new ones! I am so glad that everyone enjoyed my new coronation day dress, it was soooooooooo hard to keep it a surprise! As well as Averee’s new shoes, they are a gorgeous addition to her costume! We had a blast singing together on stage and dancing with all of our royal guests! We hope to see you all at next year’s Enchanting Fall Ball! And remember to post pics of your prince and princesses from this year’s Enchanting Fall Ball using the hashtag #efb14! We love seeing all of the pictures being posted and will definitely post some of our favorites!


Katie, aka Princess Anna ❤

Team EPE!

Have you noticed that at EPE, we love what we do? Before the day took off on Saturday, we decided to do a princess huddle to get ourselves in the magical state of mind! Our wonderful photographer, JW Photography, happened to catch the moment before we all broke with PRINCESSES on three! Keep an eye on for more Fall Ball photos to come!


Fall Ball Frenzy 2014!!

Yesterday was more than magical for Katie and I! We are still so overwhelmed with the whirlwind of three fall ball sessions, everything is still sinking in, we can’t believe it’s over! The night before the ball, we of course got in the spirit by watching Beauty and The Beast while drinking tea with one of our favorite EPE family members/fall ball planners/super mom, Amy. All while snuggling with her 2 year old daughter (I know, she got to have a sleepover with Anna and Elsa, EEK!). We awoke at 5:30 AM on saturday morning, with only 4-5 hours of sleep because like real sisters, Katie and I stay up all night gossiping and giggling. We couldn’t believe the day was already here! Of course we were most excited to debut Princess Anna’s amazing coronation dress, and we even received my new Elsa shoes in the mail the night before the ball! (talk about cutting it close!!) The downstairs of Opera House (Arendelle) was so beautiful, even Katie and I were in awe. If you happen to see the large murals, a fun fact is that I painted those! I overheard compliments of them, and even saw some little princesses posing for pictures in front of them! I have never felt so flattered!! We have so many more stories and posts to write and pictures to post too! We would love to thank all of the volunteers that helped make yesterday possible! From our body guards, to the planning committee, and everyone who helped set up and take down the ball! We can’t wait for the Fall Ball 2015! Reserve your tickets now!


Queen Elsa, Averee


09/27 and 09/28 Parties and Adventures!

This past weekend, we made special appearances at eight different birthday parties! There was a lot of Starbucks runs in between, meaning lots of picture taking while waiting in line with fellow customers! Above are two photos that were posted onto our Enchanting Princess Events Facebook Page from one of our parties. This one was very fun, not only were we the guest judges for a “cupcake decorating contest”, but all of the guests got to try on the Ice Princess’s cape for pictures! It was a great idea and we loved how the pictures turned out! Our other parties had some great ideas activities as well, including one one that had a  “snowman building” competition. This activity consisted of providing the guests with supplies like toilet paper to wrap around another guest and seeing which team was fastest at building a snowman! After the competition, the leftover toilet paper on the floor made for a winter wonderland effect.

However, the most notable experience from this weekend happened before going into our first birthday party on Saturday. We were sitting in our car across from the first party’s house, getting ourselves ready to go in, when a police car drives through the neighborhood. We watched as the policeman drove by, not really thinking much of it. Then, a couple minutes later the policeman comes back around and pulls up behind us! We looked at each other in confusion as the policeman got out of the car and walked up to the window. We rolled down the window and greeted the friendly policeman (and were secretly freaking out inside, even though we hadn’t done anything wrong). The policeman then explained that our car rang up as a certain color, but from far away it looked to be a different color! He apologized awkwardly and we just laughed it off! We then told the officer why we were parked there, and it turned out that he knew the birthday girl’s family! After some more chatting, the police officer left and wished us good luck at our party. We only wish we were able to capture the moment with a picture for the blog, but it still made for a pretty good story!

Birthday Parties!

One of our favorite parts of this whole experience is seeing all of the wonderful pictures from parties! Seeing these pictures always reassures us that we are creating a positive experience for not only the kids, but the parents too!

A Royal Celebration: The Ice Princess’s Birthday!

For my birthday this year, the Ice Queen and I decided to do something exciting! We thought long and hard about potential ideas; should we go shopping? Do something in Seattle? Go the beach? Then Averee suggest the zoo, a place I’ve been wanting to go since I was a little girl! She was shocked that I had never been and then decided that we ABSOLUTELY had to go! So for the first time in forever, I was going to go to the zoo. And let me tell you, it was so worth the wait! We had such a great time seeing all of the animals, including giraffes (which are my favorite). Then, Averee being the best “big” sister she is, presented me with my gift; a homemade Olaf Blanket. It’s so cuddly and adorable, just like the real Olaf.! I loved my gift, it was perfect! As an end to the night, I spent some time with my friends and family. They surprised me with a mini Frozen themed birthday party, complete with a cake with the characters on it and decorations! It was a great day all around, some would even say magical!
