Princesses Get Hungry Too!

During the endless party packed weekends that Katie and I have, we always find ourselves with some downtime in between parties. Typically we use the small chunks of free time to do what any normal person would do on the weekends, such as grocery shop, study, sleep(in our car, lol), and especially EAT! Katie and I love food, but lets be honest who doesn’t? Some of the adventures we have been on include a trip to Costco (being college students, we love buying in bulk!!), Panera, Olive Garden, and of course our favorite quick stop, Starbucks! We usually try and go to places with as few children as possible and try not to attract attention, but being Frozen characters, that’s nearly impossible. We usually receive smiles and comments, but almost always are asked for photos. One of our favorite comments come from older generations that most likely haven’t seen the Frozen and usually they make comments like, “Are you going to a wedding?” or “What beautiful gowns!!”. Keep it up grandparents, you guys keep us laughing. The halloween season has been very forgiving for us, no one questions what we are doing, they just think we have awesome costumes!!

Speaking of Halloween, I hope you noticed the photo that was posted to the EPE Facebook page earlier this week, hopefully not too many Elsa’s will be running through the streets this year! I can’t imagine how easy it will be mixing up which trick or treater is yours, be sure not to take someone else’s Elsa or Anna home! Be sure to try and make it to the Halloween Carnival at Christ The King Church in Burlington!! Katie and I are giving up the beginning of our Hallows Eve to celebrate with your little ones so we would love your vote!! We hope to see old and new faces there!

XOXO, Queen Elsa

Katie pushing our cart through Costco!
Katie pushing our cart through Costco!
Costco selfie!
Costco selfie!
Munching on my favorite breadsticks

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